It's hard for me to believe, but the alumni website is four years old this week. It started out as an idea in the back of my head that wouldn't go away. So I decided to check to see if the domain name was available and it was. I really didn't know how to do websites then and some might say I still don't, but I get by.
I've had a lot of people contact me from other alumni associations about how to do the site and I'm always forthcoming about the things that seem to make a website popular: lots of pictures, stories about people who gradated from Dora High through the years; pictures of kids and grandkids, news about reunions, and sports pictures....especially football. The people always say "that's great!!!" who does all that? I them, for the most part it's me. I have checked back later with some of these inquisitive folks and they still don't have a website.
I can tell you it's a lot of work, but there are rewards. I get notes and emails from people who say they love the website. There is currently a guy in Iraq (Tate Shanneyfelt) who is considering writing a journal to share. I really hope it works out because that would be really neat.
One of my online friends reconnected with a high school sweetheart through the website. They started dating and got married this past year. It was a great story that got picked up by the local newspaper.
Another thing that has been a lot of fun is scanning the yearbooks. Every yearbook has a story.
I'm in the process of scanning two books from the 80's after which I'll have all the annuals from 1939 through 1991. I should have them all before the end of summer.
For those who have never visited the site, it's
Also, here is a link to a slideshow you might enjoy:
Happy Birthday
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