I'm getting a letter every few days from Tate Shaneyfelt who is a Dora High School graduate. He's telling readers here what it's like to be in Iraq. I have received so many email from people saying how much they enjoy reading Tate's missives.
I am fascinated by his descriptions. He's in one of the most dangerous places on the planet (well except maybe for the West End of Birmingham) and he keeps writing about what it's like...often with a sense of humor. I respect our soldiers and say a little prayer for their safe return.
The Daily Mountain Eagle picked up on the letters and published several in Sunday's paper. They will be running them each week to give readers a feel for what it's like there.
I saw on the news where Bush is sending in more troops and extending the active duty of many of the soldiers there. I'm not sure if this affect Tate or not.
Tate, like all good soldiers doesn't talk much about the politics of war. They focus on their job and watching after their brothers in arms.
As bad as it is on the soldiers, it think it may be as rough or rougher on the loved ones left behind. Not knowing what's going on over there and the unremitting knowledge that any day an Army Chaplin could show up on their doorsteps and deliver news that would change life as they know it....forever.
My hope is that all our troops come home soon and the world becomes a little more sane for the sake of us all.
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