Sunday, March 11, 2007


It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood today. Jilda made sausage and cat head biscuits for breakfast and we ate them on the veranda as we watched the Bluebirds inspecting the the Bluebird house that hangs on the Sweet gum tree in the back yard. He flew up on a limb and inspected the outside while she watched from the Crepe Myrtle then they changed positions. She flew over to the Apple tree and he came in for a closer look. He cautiously poke his head in and then pull it out an look around as if a big old Tom Cat were lurking nearby. She chirped impatiently as if to say "Go In You Big Baby!" He finally did and then she went in, I'm guessing to make sure the both would fit. Anyhow, they are closing on the deal this afternoon and they'll be moving in by the weekend .
After lunch, I came home and worked in the yard until late afternoon. I raked a mountain of Water Oak leaves and hauled them to the compost pile. I also burned about three cords of pine limbs and small trees that had succumbed to beetles. They yard is looking better. A few more days work and it will be in shape.
I also had to remount our mailbox. The paper lady has backed into it a number of times and this morning when I went to fetch both papers the mailbox, which is as big as a dog house, was lying next to the road. She pulls into the driveway that leads to my neighbor's house across the road and she back up close so that she can reach the paper box from her driver's side window. She apparently has done it so many times that she no longer looks. I'd like to sink a beam into the ground next to the box so that the next time she hits the box it will make her air bags deploy. I'm guessing that would encourage her to be more diligent in her backing chores.
Time changed this weekend and it's bedtime already. Y'all have a great week.


  1. Sausage & cat head biscuits?? The mind boggles!! Are they two separate items? And I'd like to think the biscuits were in the shape of a cat's head and that cat's head wasn't one of the ingredients...

    A metal pole or post strategically positioned near your mail box should do the trick....

    Ms Soup

  2. Hey Brenda, They are called cat head biscuits because the are light and fluffy and about the size of a big ol' cat's head but I couldn't swear that there aren't cat parts in the buscuits.

  3. A coworker told about someone continually running into the barrel they used to hold their mailbox. Fed up, they filled the barrel with concrete. Needless to say, after being hit one more time, there were no more "accidents".


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