I started www.dorahighschool.com alumni website in 2001. It was the first website I'd ever done and I had no idea if people would actually visit the site.
That was back before a lot of people around here had fast access and I had low expectations. I put a counter on the website and to my amazement, people started visiting in droves.
I started shooting high school football and homecoming parades. For weeks after homecoming, the hit counter was off the charts.
I gradually started scanning yearbooks and writing stories about people who graduated from Dora High. I posted pictures of grandkids, pets, kids, cars, motor cycles, and reunions.
The website was actually a precursor to my blog. If you look at the url for my blog it's http://dorahighschoolalumni.blogspot.com/ and in the early years, only people who graduated from Dora read my blog with any frequency. Nowadays, most of my visitors are not from here.
At any rate, today was homecoming at Dora High. I spent the afternoon shooting parade pictures and I shot pictures of the game and the homecoming queen tonight.
It's been a work of love. If I billed for the amount of time spent designing, writing, updating and scanning yearbooks I could buy a small island in the Caribbean.
One of my favorite things about the website is the yearbooks. I scanned (with a little help from my friends) all the yearbooks from 1938 to 2009. I will scan 2010 after the first of the year.
But I love a parade. Today, the weather was picture perfect, and the kids were all excited. It's a lot of fun taking pictures.
Jilda have a booth at the Walker County Heritage Festival tomorrow. Hopefully we'll sell a few books and we'll play a few songs at 1 p.m.
If you're out and about, we'd love to see you.
I just realized I'm not a parade person. I haven't been to one since the kids were little.