Thursday, February 24, 2011

On Being a Writer

We've been watching the weather all afternoon. There's a line of storms off to the west marching toward us at an alarming pace.
This evening I checked the generator and made sure we have gas in case we take a power hit.
Even now, the high level winds are roaring like low-flying jets.
I spent the morning writing a story about a young couple that has two small children (5 and 7) with Fanconi anemia. FA is an incurable genetic disorder that results in bone marrow failure in well over 90% of those affected.  The list of maladies these children could face is too sad to write. It was one of the most difficult interviews I've ever done. 
Today, as I listened to the transcript of my interview with this beautiful young woman, it broke my heart. All my petty grievances seemed absurd!  
I'm wishing I could get more followers, or sell a few more books, or songs, and she praying her children will live until their 25th birthday.  
It was not my intention to bring you down tonight, but writing is an interesting profession. You sometimes write about people who are on top of the world, but sometimes you must write about people to whom life has been unkind. I love what I do, but sometimes it's hard.


  1. You are so right, when you hear this mother's story, the things most of us complain about are petty. I am having to remind myself of this with our house not selling ... we have our health, food, a roof over our heads ...

  2. Awww that poor mother! :-(

    Sometimes what we think as huge problems are reduced to just annoyances when compared with situations like this.

    Take care

  3. human dramas.... they never end!

  4. I'm glad there are writers like you that bring these stories to us. It reminds people like me that I really have nothing to complain about. It's a reminder to be grateful for everything, everyday.


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