Sunday, May 15, 2011

Like a Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone magazines started coming in our mailbox last month and I'm not sure why. We've subscribed in the past, but we didn't this time. We're checking with some of our friends to see if the subscription was a gift.
The theme of the one that arrived yesterday was the 70 greatest Bob Dylan songs. The magazine featured articles by famous artists, writers, and others who talked about the impact Dylan's music had on them.
As a songwriter, it's difficult to articulate the impact Dylan had on me. I've been listening to his music for as long as I can remember.
If someone asked me to name my favorite Dylan song, I'm not sure if I could do it. Where does one start? 
Obviously Like a Rolling Stone would be up there, and Blowin' in the Wind, but there are so many others. 
Dylan is a master of reinventing himself. His lyrics are written on a different level than lyrics written by most other songwriters.  He has the ability to paint stories with words. Stories that stir emotion, and bring back a rush of memory you'd long forgotten. But the thing is, if you ask ten other people what the song is about, to them, it would mean something totally different. It's a mystery. 
So, here are ten of my favorite Dylan songs:
Like a Rolling Stone
Tangled up in Blue
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
Mr. Tambourine Man
Blowin' in the Wind
With God on Our Side
I Shall Be Released
You're a Big Girl Now
To Make You Feel My Love
Stuck Inside of Mobile (with those Memphis blues again)
All Along the Watch Tower (I know that's eleven, but I can't help it)

OK, I've put mine down. If any of you have different songs, feel free to give me your list.


  1. Don't forget Dylan's Hurricane!
    What's really cool is my 16yo son is totally into Bob Dylan. He'll say "hey mom, come listen to this song." Yes dear, Bob Dylan is older than I am. But to a 16yo he's brand new!

  2. Things Have Changed.

    It was party of the NCIS soundtrack several years ago and I've made it part of most custom CD's I'vde burned for my truck.

    Dylan's voice was never melodic but his words are sometimes wonderful in his ruined voice. BUT, Leonard Cohen has the wonderful words and beautiful ruined voice. SMILE

  3. Ohh too many to say - but definitely from your list:
    A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
    All along the Watchtower
    With God on our Side
    I shall be Released

    Then I would add:
    Shelter from the Storm
    One more cup of Coffee
    The Levee's Gonna Break
    Ain't talkin
    and so many more....

  4. I recognise at least 4 on your list!! Phew!!

    :-) Take care

  5. I guess I'm old....I remember them all!!
    Lately I have been getting subscription re-orders that includean enticing form..."if you re-order, you'll be sent a free gift subscription for a friend." I bet someone gifted you as a nice fun!

  6. I should ask my husband, another big Dylan fan! :)

  7. Your list is pretty much my favorites too. He's a legend.

  8. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Well I'm definitely into "Blowing in the Wind"!

  9. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I have never really enjoyed Dylan's work because I haven't listened to him unless he was on something on TV. My dad likes his music but I will honestly say I only know three of the eleven songs in your list. I think I have some homework to do.


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