Friday, May 13, 2011

Yeah! Blogger's Back

We didn't post last night because of the Blogger outage. I think it was system wide so everyone probably got a night off.
I must say I had a bit of withdrawal. It drove the point home that I really should back up my posts.  I did backups for the first year or so, but I stopped. I'd hate to think about losing the stuff I've posted through the years.
We'll make our regularly scheduled updates tonight.


  1. Well, buddy-roe, I knew I could count on you to confirm that Blgger really did go down last night, and it was not just a nightmare on my part.

    I know you and Jilda have been re-doing some house projects, so I would be interested in your take on our own re-do posts of late. :)

    I'll check back with you and Jilda tonight to see what's up....Marsha

  2. Hey Marsha, I was actually headed to your blog to check out the updates on remodeling when I got the:
    Blogger Unavailable message.
    I couldn't believe it until I clicked it about 40 times.

  3. Months ago my husband has Blogger automatically archive my posts onto my computer. I was just going to see if it was doing that when Blogger went down.

  4. How do you back up your blogger posts? I've been meaning to find a way to do this. Do you save them to an external drive?

  5. Hey Jennifer, here are the instructions from Blogger:

    Click on Settings, Export Blog to backup all your posts and Comments. To backup your Design/Template, goto Layout, EDIT HTML and click the Download link.


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