Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fresh Flowers

The spring was cold and strange this year and then the days got hotter that Satan with a fever. As a result, we were late getting some of plants in the ground.
The sunflowers were among the last things we planted and we worried they wouldn't make it in the heat, but whenI walked out yesterday, one had started to bloom.
This evening when I went down to put out corn for the deer, I snapped this photo of our first sunflower of 2011. Soon we'll have a row of them dancing in the wind and sun. 
What is it about fresh flowers that make you smile? Each summer our table, mantle, and bathrooms all have vases of fresh flowers. 
I told one of my buddies once how much I liked fresh flowers and he promptly told me that I sounded a little girly. He asked if I had lace on my jockey shorts. 
Well if enjoying fresh flowers makes me seem girly to some folks, then so be it.


  1. we had spring. just no early summer. weather jumped from spring straight to August.

  2. I think flowers make us smile because they are, in my opinion, the most perfectly beautiful things on earth. I love sunflowers and have fake ones in my kitchen. :)

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I love to hear that there are some men who enjoy God's gifts to us-Flowers!

  4. If a man doesn't like flowers then there's summat wrong with them in my eyes! So there! Raspberries to men who do not like flowers.

    And a big YAY for those who love them!! Appreciating nature is a joy and a privelege and a very human and intelligent thing to do.

    And nothing wrong with lace. Lace is a fine art form! Off I go from my high horse! LOL! Take care x

  5. What's wrong with anyone enjoying a little of Mother Nature's beauty?

  6. My daughter planted a sunflower, right before the worst week of wind and rain that we've had in a long time. It didn't last :(

    A man who loves flowers is a good man, in my opinion.


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