Friday, April 20, 2012

Singing for Kids

Jilda and I played for about 1000 kids today at Hoover Middle School, south of Birmingham. There were four groups of about 250 kids.
It was arts & culture day, and one of the teachers asked if we'd consider talking to the kids about songwriting and then playing a few songs.
We had to be there around 8:00 this morning, an it's an hours drive, so we left before the chickens crowed.
Playing for young folks you don't know is kind of hit and miss. Some kids seem to really enjoy our songs, and others seem on the verge, of slitting their wrists, with their orthodontic braces sharpen on the sidewalk as we strummed our hearts out.
One kid from the last group came up and was very complementary. He liked Jilda's voice and likened her to Stevie Nix on the song Landslide.
What struck me as interesting is that song, Landslide, was written and released around 1975. It's one of my favorite songs.  This kid's mother probably wasn't born in 1975, so I'm not sure how he became familiar with the tune.
Jilda signed a few autographs after the show, and we were headed home by noon. She had to work this evening. I was caught up, but I worked around the house.
I can tell you this, we're both whupped, so it will be an early night tonight.


  1. Kids can wear you out even when they're not yours. ;) Sounds like a very successful gig.

  2. Good of you to wear yourself out for the kids...

  3. A very worthy endeavor, and it sounds like the kids had a grand time.

  4. I am not surprised to hear you and Jilda gave of yourselves to the community and to inspire children in music and song! We sure need more like the two of you!
    Thanks and hugs~


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