Tuesday, May 08, 2012


There's a lot of hoorah going on these days, with Facebook stock going public. Reporters and feature writers are clamoring to interviews with Mr. Facebook to talk about the meteoric rise of that company.
I'm sure it would be a coup for any writer who managed to get that interview, but I could care less about interviewing a twenty-something about-to-be-billionaire.
To me, the most fascinating stories I'm hearing today from people who have sox older that Mark Zuckerberg.
People who've lived through poverty, wars, recessions, depressions, and losses that would leave most of us stunned.
I had the forethought many years ago to interview my grandmother, parents, and elderly neighbors from the community I grew up in, and the stories were remarkable.
I interviewed a man a few weeks ago and I spent most of the day today doing research, and reading his autobiography.
I won't say much about the story until it's written, but it's a fascinating story.
So, good luck to Mark on his IPO, and I'm happy for those writers who had the good fortune to interview him while he's riding high; but I'd prefer to talk to him in 30 years to see if he has anything really interesting to say.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree and no just what you mean...takes going around the track a few times to be able to experience the journey!

  2. Sidestepping a little bit - what gets me are these dirge of autobiographies of people not yet 21 and all because they're in the public eye for some salacious reason or other.

    Take care

  3. Looking forward to reading about that fascinating story you found in your recent interview!

  4. I don't find Mark Zuckerberg at all interesting.



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