Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Endorsement

Writing, to me, is the easy part. Selling books is a great deal like work. I guess that's why people who do marketing professionally make the big bucks.
Since I've been working on my chops with Photoshop, it seemed only natural that I enlist the aid of celebrities to help me move some product.
I started doing a picture a day on my Sloss Holler Scholar Facebook page.
The first few days slipped by with little reaction, but on the third day, things began to pop. People started commenting and sharing.
I'm nearing the break-even point on the first shipment and I've yet to set up my first book signing or speaking engagement.
I have to say, I've been having some fun with my "Celebrity Endorsements."
I'll post some now and then as time goes on.
Feel free to Like my Facebook page and share it with anyone you think might would enjoy my style.
Rick Watson, The Sloss Holler Scholar.


  1. That's hilarious. What a great idea!

  2. I'll be happy to "like" your FB page.



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