Thursday, November 01, 2012

Checking things off the list

I had several assignments due and I knocked them out early this morning. I found myself in unfamiliar territory ---- I was caught up. That happens so infrequently that I felt almost giddy.
I pulled out my list of things that I really need to do. On the list is an item that's been lurking near the bottom for some time.
Build a table for my office for additional workspace.
I've used a sewing machine that belonged to Jilda's mother for a table in my office. It was too high and not suited for a workspace. I moved it there several years ago thinking it would be perfect, but I was wrong.
The reason it stayed in the office so long is that it's heavy and I couldn't move it by myself so there it sat....for years.
When I got caught up today, I decided to change that. I  scooted the machine away from the wall, and replaced it with a table I built that fits perfectly.
I've hired someone to come Saturday and help me do some heavy lifting and put out house back in order.
It's been a productive week. In looking back, there are a lot of checkmarks that have been long over due on our todo list, and that feels good.

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