Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Google Plus

I've started spending a little more time looking at the posts on Google + these days. The things people post on there seem to be a better fit for me.
During the elections, I couldn't bear to look at Facebook. People seemed to prefer spend more time debating politics and less time sharing family, friends and inspirational stuff.
Contrary to popular belief, debating politics is not a way to win friends and influence people.
So, I started visiting Google + a few times a day and I found that there are tons of writers, musicians, and creative people on there sharing things that resonated with me.
I logged on for a few minutes tonight and came across this video. I'd read the story a few weeks ago but hadn't seen the video until tonight.
I must say watching this made me smile, and gave me hope.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


  1. Wow.. that's pretty amazing. Thank you so much for sharing that.

  2. Hmmmm, Don't know what happened but I couldn't get the video to play. I'll try again later. Just wanted to say, Rick, that I felt the exact way toward Facebook during the elections. In fact, I have closed my account with Facebook in the past week and am not sure when I will return, if ever? I am not wanting to be harsh, just saying not interested lately.

  3. I caught the time span differential for the UK jumping on getting the testing in progress, vs the US. Just really upsets me. To have a 15-year-old boy prove how "simple" answers can come... wow. When will the big wheels in this country ever wake up and get a clue about how stupid they look, trying to milk a cow from their closets? I hope you have helped spread this video enough to get people yelling, again, for something good that this country's people have every right to and deserve... cures for every type of Cancer. Thanks for sharing! ( And thanks for your Christmas wishes, as well! Hope the two of you made the day a cloud of joy for yourselves, as well!)

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Very good story and what an achievement! Good for him!

  5. Thanks for sharing 101.
    They show soo many people and countries and especially children today being sooo ill, I can't watch anymore.It's all so heart breaking and sad.
    Lately I havent been listening to the news and it cheered me up a lot.
    Sometimes one needs a vacation from bad news and it's been soo bad for so long.Lets hope the new year brings better things for many people
    so they can be happy and healthy and enjoy life as it was meant to be enjoyed.

  6. Isn't it great to see real heroes? It gives me so much hope for our future when kids like Jack have a brilliant idea and it can save lives. I've worked in medicine for 41yrs and I've seen so many advances but many cancers...especially pancreatic have no cure unless detected frustrating. Hopefully this will change the game up. Thanks for sharing and uplifting my spirit today!


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