Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Old Flowers

We have some old flowers. There's a bleeding heart that Jilda got from her grandmother who had grown it from a cutting in the 1960s.
We have several citrus and avocado trees that Jilda's mom planted some twenty years ago.
But one of my favorite plants is the Blazing Star. It's been in a pot on our deck for as long as I can
In the winter it dies back to a a few stems jutting up from the soil in the pot. Each spring the new shoots sprout up and put on serrated leaves. I had a cousin visiting from up north one summer and he thought we were growing pot on our deck. I never realized the leaves of the blazing star resembled cannabis.
This year we decided to plan it in the flower bed next to the deck. It seemed to sulk for a few weeks but yesterday, it decided to bloom.
I saw it when we headed out for our morning walk. I pulled the iPhone from my pocket and shot this photo and then turned it into a painting with Photoshop.
With a little love and care, maybe it will live another 50 years.


  1. How beautiful Rick... I am glad it survived being transplanted :)

  2. This is gorgeous; I've never seen this flower, and I thank you for sharing it with me.
    Smiles to you from South Georgia,

  3. It is a beauty. I see why you like it so much.

  4. I hope so cos it's a beauty!! Take care

  5. Quite a lovely bloom! Glad it survived the trip from the pot to the flower bed. I seem to have a black thumb where flowers are concerned!

  6. Beautiful! I hope it does well in its new home. (Just watch out for the revenue man snooping around).

  7. Hello Rick...Your bleeding heart is lovely. Looks a little like a hisbiscus to me, too. Sooooo pretty. May you and Jilda live another 50 years along with the plant! Susan

  8. It's a beaut and why shouldn't it live another 50 years.

  9. Beautiful. Glad it survived being moved. Bleeding hearts always remind me of my mother. She had the regular ones and white ones, too- xo Diana

  10. This looks really cool

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