Sunday, September 29, 2013

Every Day's A School Day

I just glanced at my blog statistics and this entry is number 2900. If someone had told me that I'd be blogging every day for almost eight years (it will be eight years on December 1), I would not have believed them.
It's not that I don't stick with projects. My college education is a perfect example. I went to school, on and off, since 1968.
I earned my Bachelor of Business degree in 1991 and a few years later, I entered graduate school and finished my Masters in 1997, a mere 29 years after I began college.
But blogging is a little different. It's constant learning, without a graduation date.
I thought my college work was good, but I never learned the fine art of written communication until I began blogging. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
As I've said before, every day's a school day. Happy Blogging. I hope you all have a remarkable week.

Below is a photograph I took this morning and ran through the Photoshop Oil Paint filter. Someone asked me recently what my original photos looked like. I'll add the one I shot this morning below.

Oil Paint Filter Purple Flower With Goldenrod

Original Purple Flower With Goldenrod


  1. Congratulations on the 2900th blog and on recognizing the value of being a life long learner! I have two bachelor degrees and two masters degree, and I still have so much to learn! One of my masters degrees was in writing, and I always told my students, the more you write, the more you learn about writing and life! I love being a life long learner...I love the power of words when put together well! Done well, it is an art!

  2. Beautiful images. Wow! 8 years! Good for you. I am a perpetual student, too. I think it is a wonderful thing to learn at any age- xo Diana

  3. The differences between the pics are very very subtle!!!

    Well I think learning is a life long thing! I'm at the moment eyeing up some short courses I'd love to be getting on with for the coming winter - keeps the ol brain ticking over! Take care

  4. WOW 2900 hundred entries... that is awesome Rick, congratulations :)

  5. Wow, I didn't know you were so smart! Ha! Just kidding! I could tell your smart as well as talented....that's the way of great bloggers like you. Congrats on so many years of writing a

  6. Oops! I accidentally hit the publish button! Anyway, love your blog!

  7. Anonymous11:47 AM

    2900 is ABSOLUTELY amazing!!

  8. Wow, that's a lots of blogging milage. Congratulations for sticking with it,

  9. Wonderful snapshots, Rick.
    We are always learning, regardless of our degrees.
    We learn every single day.
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us.


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