Thursday, October 03, 2013

A beautiful month

I had several errands today. The land taxes are due, and I needed to check out the stage where we're playing Friday evening.
The weather was fall-ecious today so I turned off the A/C, and rolled down the window to let the wind
blow through what's left of my hair.
I decided to run by the Riverside Fly Shop to buy some more flies.
Mr. Big Honkin' Trout that I wrote about a few days ago, broke my line and I lost my favorite fly.
The owner gave me some recommendations for additions to my fly box.
It was all I could do to keep from sweeping my arm expansively and telling the owner that I'd take one of each in this area.
I kept the plastic in my wallet, plumped down a few bucks for the new flies and I was on my way.
As I crossed the bridge over the Sipsey Fork of the Warrior River, I looked out the window and saw the sun playing the field of goldenrods and pine like a symphony.
That was quite a feat as you can tell by the cloud cover in the photograph.
As it happens, my timing was perfect.
Is October a beautiful month or what?


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    ALL the months are beautiful when seen through your camera!!

  2. October is one of my favorite months! Your images are so beautiful.

  3. October is one of my favs! We've been having a bit of summer with warmer temps...but come next week we're back on the Fall track! Enjoy your weekend! P.S..I loved the previous post. What a nice thing for your blogger friend to do..and he's so talented! Love the drawing. I'm betting 'Ol Buddy's tail is wagging remembering you too.

  4. October is definitely one of the most beautiful months ;-)

  5. October is a beautiful month indeed. I just wish the October temperatures would get here :)

  6. Yes, October is my favorite month of all. And once we get past a high of 89 this weekend I think it will feel like October.

  7. Beautiful month...beautiful picture...beautiful words! The personification of the sun paints a beautiful image in the reader's mind! Thank you!

  8. Sure is beautiful Rick.

  9. Oh, October! How I adore you!

    Your photo was marvelous.

  10. October is a beautiful month and you captured some of it beautifully.
    Enjoy the weekend. It's here already, I can't believe it.

  11. Lovely landscape, Rick.
    October is a beautiful month.


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