Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blogging feedback ~ how do I get better

I've been spending time studying the pro bloggers and one of the tips I've picked up is the importance of titles.
I usually spend all my cycles trying to come up with a topic and by the time I post, which is usually just before I go to bed, my brain has the viscosity of bubblegum that's been stuck behind a headboard for a few years, so there's not a lot left for thinking of clever titles.
Since the idea of clever titles has escaped me, I began to wonder what other areas need improvement.
So here's a question to the people who've read my blog for a while:

1. Are my titles weak or should dig deeper when it comes to my titles?

2. Is the length of content too short? About right? Too long?

3. The design of the blog - Is it noisy? Cozy? Or needs more work?

4. Do the pictures - Add or detract?

4. Should I get out of blogging and start selling used cars?

Any feedback you have on the questions above or other tips on how to improve, I'd love to hear it.
Please, no vulgar language or I'll smite thee.


Wild white honeysuckle behind my barn today.


  1. The blog looks great. The pictures add to it. Don't sell used cars. Two things did hit me, since you asked. First, the primary color is gray. You are a writer, so you are not permitted to use gray. Second, I notice you have a long side bar on the right, with only one short post. Balancing the lengths with more than one post visible always seems to work. Be well.

  2. Anonymous6:20 PM

    1--I haven't paid attention to the titles--I read the blog because I like the way you write.
    2--The length is about right.
    3--The design is cozy--like having a cup of coffee with you.
    4--The pictures definitely add.
    5--The used car market is tough these days!!

  3. I think your blog is fine and reads well. I always enjoy stopping by. The titles are great (I have such a hard time coming up with titles) and the pictures always add to it.

    All blog looks are different and I think it's a matter of our own taste. For me I think some color added would be nice.

    Forget selling cars, you would be missed here. : )

  4. Rick, my answers below... have a really great day and thank you for your nice comment on my blog :)

    1. Are my titles weak or should dig deeper when it comes to my titles?
    I agree it is not always easy coming up with a good title, yours have been good, I have been following you for quite some time now :)

    2. Is the length of content too short? About right? Too long? I like the length, it is usually a quick read which is always interesting :)

    3. The design of the blog - Is it noisy? Cozy? Or needs more work? I think the design of the blog is totally up to the blogger, I think yours totally reflects who you are. As for being busy, you could not have rivaled my old blog layout, that was busy :)

    4. Do the pictures - Add or detract? The pictures most definitely add, I always like a good picture, it is good to have visual items :)

    4. Should I get out of blogging and start selling used cars? I think the person above is right, the used car business is tough :)

  5. Love your pictures, quick to read content sometimes with a great twist, keep on blogging, design is just fine, easy to navigate, has all the essentials. I agree about the importance of titles (I have finally figured that out) and I do tweak them after I have written my post of the day. Some titles generate no interest at all in my blog and others do just fine, depends on the topic and readers I guess.

  6. I am a picture person a few more pictures would be nice I always enjoy your posts

  7. 1. When I first started blogging I would use clever titles with puns or lateral associations which I hoped would intrigue people into reading more. I found simple titles that just told the reader what the post was about pulled in far more people. Not sure that really helps you though as I think most readers here are more interested in your thoughts rather than any particular information.

    2. To be honest most of the time I find your posts a little on the short side. But then always leave them wanting more, I guess.

    3. I prefer simple and stripped down so I think the site works as it is, with a few photos to add a little personality.

    4. Add.

    4. (what happened to 5?) Don't get into used cars, they are yesterday's conveyance. Electric hovercrafts are the future!

    Moody Writing

  8. Well, as I tell my husband don't ever ask me anything if you don't want an honest answer....lol
    1. Are my titles weak or should dig deeper when it comes to my titles? I think a straight forward title is always best- but it should draw readers in..
    I like a clever title that still tells you what the content is about.
    2. Is the length of content too short? About right? Too long? .I think the length of your post is just about right. When a post is too long I lose interest unless it is a topic I am avid about.There is truth in the old saying "short and sweet".
    3. The design of the blog - Is it noisy? Cozy? Or needs more work? IF I were you...I would make my font slightly bigger so it is easy to read. Grey print is harder to read than black print.I think for anyone that is "of an age" the smaller print is harder to read. Maybe try taking your font up even one size with a slightly bolder look to it. I don't think you blog is too "noisy" at all. You have a nice header that speaks of you life and your advertising is not as bad as some where you get all those darned pop-ups.
    .4. Do the pictures - Add or detract? Pictures-Pictures-Pictures. Most people are visual. Pictures draw people in. If they see a picture they love they will be more apt to read the content. I don't think you need 50 pictures of the same thing but I think if you think there is clump of flower that is beautiful you could do a picture of the clump...then do a close up of one of the blossoms...or a picture of the area where the clump sits. (just a thought)---then tie your "life lesson" (cuz I think that is kind of what you do here-a life lesson with a bit of humor) that would give you three pictures to expound on.
    You could tie your whole blog to those three pics...How things (in life) look one way from a distance but completely different when you look at each individual blossom. Does that make any sense at all? lol
    4. Should I get out of blogging and start selling used cars? What kind of used cars are you thinking of selling? Unless they are high-end luxury cars that are going to net you a bundle of commissions cash I would say NO! Keep blogging...lol

    Rick- I have enjoyed your blog a lot and I love Jilda's blog, too. I think the biggest concern I have is that you still come through as a No Reply when you leave a comment. That makes ME feel a bit disconnected. I can't easily respond to a comment you leave so it is a "dead end". The best way my blog grew was by being able to comment to people and then we would find a common interest over time and my readership grew. I am by no means a big blogger and I never plan to be but I do feel that I am involved in a wonderful little blogging community where I am connected to people with common interests. I don't want to monetize my blog and I don't join link parties so I have garnered friends one at a time over the years.

    You are on the right track, Rick-just keep plugging away. I hope I didn't offend you with anything I said- I am kind of notorious for "foot-in-mouth" disease. xo Diana

  9. I always enjoy your posts, but I'll be happy to give my two cents worth of opinions on the questions you asked.

    1. Are my titles weak or should dig deeper when it comes to my titles?
    - I always appreciate catchy titles, but it's hard to come up with them sometimes. As long as the title reflects the subject in the post, I'm good with that. And you're doing a good job with that.

    2. Is the length of content too short? About right? Too long?
    - It's just the right length. But I don't mind lengthy posts because I speed read (skim) through most of them often. When the subject is particularly interesting to me, I will read an entire post word for word no matter how long.

    3. The design of the blog - Is it noisy? Cozy? Or needs more work?
    - Your design is far from noisy. It's quite minimalistic, which doesn't tire the eyes. I think expanding the post area and making it wider would really look great.

    4. Do the pictures - Add or detract?
    - I am a visual person, and I love photos in posts! The more the better.

    5. Should I get out of blogging and start selling used cars?
    - No. But if you're looking to make a few extra bucks, how about selling used cars on your blog? :)

  10. I like you just the way you are. Please, won't you be my neighbor? Oh, I forgot. I'm not Mr. Rogers. If you want your titles to draw more readers, try using words that come up a lot when they're Googled.


  11. Yes, I like your titles. And the pictures add to it...
    I don't know if I'm doing a good job with my own titles... but my blog stats have been increasing steadily for the last three months!

    1. I meant to type the number of views.

  12. I enjoy your blog and I see you've changed your header pic..so pretty! I love photos and I think your blog length is perfect. When I see a long post from a blogger I put it off until I have time to really read it..by then they've posted another one and I miss commenting...so I guess short and sweet and fun..like you already do..is good! Hey, maybe I need to follow my own advice!

  13. I like your titles, your content, your pictures, and everything, or I wouldn't be reading all of it. You have a style all of your own, and I admire you and the quality of your writing. You bring word to life and paint pictures so vivid in the mind of the reader without be superfluous! Keep doing what you do so well and be proud of it!

  14. I like colour, as you can tell by my site. Add a dab of pink, a splash of blue. If it does nothing but make you smile every time you write your blog it's worth it. Good luck my friend.


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