Sunday, April 06, 2014

Morning sky over Empire

Yesterday morning I got up before sunrise and poked the brew button on the coffee maker before stepping to the porch to get a feel for the weather.
The clouds to the south were breaking up and the sun highlighted the tips of the tallest trees leaving the rest in shadow.
I love the color blue of the sky at that time of morning. It's hard for a day to get off on the wrong foot when it's like that. It somehow makes me remember that things will be OK, no matter how dark it's been in your life. Yesterday was a good day.
Today was a good day too, but the sky had a much different cast. In fact, when I opened my eyes this morning I heard rain ticking on the tin roof.
The first wave passed so Jilda and I shoe'd up and got our walk in before the bottom fell out again.
We spent most of the day doing stuff we'd been putting off for some time. Jilda watched yoga training videos, and I watched videos from the Developing Your Musicianship course I just started taking on Coursera. If you haven't visited this site, it has hundreds of college-level courses you can take online for free. The one's I've taken so far have been awesome.
So even though we spent most of the day indoors, it was a fun day full of learning.

Morning sky over Empire


  1. It is always great to learn... we should always continue to look for opportunities :)

  2. Awww what a great way to spend your Sunday! Take care

  3. I believe your and Jilda's lives are spent learning together.
    How I would love to hear "rain ticking on the tin roof."

  4. I'm taking a few online courses, I love it! Keep the mind active, and that's good!


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