Wednesday, July 02, 2014

No rain tonight

I walked out on the deck just now to dump coffee grounds in the compost bucket. Clouds off the the south and west danced with lightening, but I fear the tropical storm off the coast of Florida is pushing the low-pressure system off to the north.
I know this spring has been as wet as a thirsty newborn, but there's been no rain for a week and with the temps in the high 90s, the soil is getting dry as snuff.
So a rain would have been nice, but so it goes. Hopefully we'll get a short respite from the high humidity/temps. I'll get out early in the morning and water the flowers and garden to keep it hanging on until the next front moves through.
Today was treatment day for Jilda so we had to head out early. I put fresh water in the birdbath and the fountain before we left.
I noticed the rose-a-sharon bushes are blooming. We have a purple, a pink, and one with blossoms as white as fine china. I snapped a quick picture.


  1. Apparently we are supposed to have a hurricane hit on Saturday or Sunday, ... not sure of the category, I hope it gets downgraded to a tropical storm with rain and some wind... We really have had enough bad weather for a while, we need some nice sunny days :)

    I hope the humidity drops for you... oh, it is the worst, I even have an air conditioner (a small one) ... and it can be too muggy.

  2. One of the things about blogging is that it brings awareness of other countries closer. I hope you guys stay safe and do not experience anything extreme.

  3. Good read, BUT funny how a statement just floods your mind with memories. I haven't heard that statement in years. 'Dry as snuff', my mama used that. It caused me to miss her but flooded my mind with some sweet memories.

    But we too, here in North Carolina, are 'Dry as Snuff'.

    Like Mike's comment, true dat!

  4. It's dry here too and we've had such high heat and humidity and last evening the wind picked up and the sky became dark but I watered my garden just in case and a good thing I did because we didn't get a single drop of rain. It's either feast or famine.

  5. We've had way too much rain along with the temps and humidity. However, the storm last night has dropped our temps and today isn't even going to hit 70. Our weekend is going to be perfect for our annual Ashland Balloonfest....lots of sun and much "hot air"! For the balloons as well as for me! Ha! Blooming rose of Sharon bushes always remind me of our very first home we bought....we moved in July and I found out what all those pretty, pink blooming bushes were called....thanks for the memory! I hope some relief comes soon, but not a huge storm.

  6. Very tired of the weather here, too. It's sunny today, but who knows if that'll last the afternoon. I wish you luck there.

  7. We are having wonderful weather here and I don't miss the rain in summer.
    The grass grows fast then, so you want it dry.
    One time we had rain only at night so we never saw it but it kept everything fresh
    and watered. This to me is ideal weather.
    Hope the storm doesn't reach you guys.

  8. Beautiful picture...hope you get rain soon! It seems we have it almost daily from small sprinkles to loud storms. That's unusual for us this time of year in the Midwest...times...they are a changing it seems!


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