Sunday, July 20, 2014

Part of growing older

There was a time in my life when I could stay up for days. In fact, when I was in the Army, a friend wanted to learn to play the guitar. His barracks were located on the Pacific Ocean, and mine were on the Atlantic Ocean. 
That's me in Panama 1971
He bought a new guitar and boarded a train bound for the Atlantic. A few hours later he arrived. That was much easier to do because we were both in Panama. The Isthmus of Panama is about 50 miles across by train.
It was a long holiday weekend and he arrived on Friday afternoon. We sat down and began the guitar lessons.
We stayed up until Sunday afternoon when he had to board the train to head back to the Pacific. Our heads were buzzing, his fingers were practically bleeding, and we were walking zombies, but he knew all the basic chords, and could play any song that Hank Williams ever wrote.
Fast forward to now -- we didn't get to bed until after midnight last night, and my brain has been mushy all day. I guess that's part of growing older.


  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Even when your brain is mushy, your post is worth reading!!

  3. Reminds me of my high school days when my friend Carlton gave me the only guitar lessons I ever had (I think we had about 3 lessons) but he taught me the basics and I was able to run with it. I tell people to this day that his was the gift of music, and I often think of him when I pick up the guitar to play a few chords.

  4. Yep, I know that feeling. My husband still doesn't appreciate the fact that I need at least six hours. He can still function without sleep, but not me.

    Popped over from Janie's blog. Loved your piece on bullying.

  5. Getting older has it's pros and cons, as does youth, so it all balances out in the end!

  6. Growing older has its perks.

  7. Love that lip, Pornstache.


    1. I get that a lot :)

    2. Damn. And I thought it was just one degree of derivative.

  8. That's why we have to slow down when we get older.

  9. Funny thing age, huh? But the memories are soooo much better after the fact. Wish I had learned, nothing like a sailor (or soldier) sitting down to strum and soon there is a crowd, Do you know this one? sing /xxxxx. Nothing comforts like those songs when you are far away from home.... I bet you have had a ball entertaining for fun and for comrades.

    1. Playing has been a gift. When we are invited to parties, the hosts always say "Bring your guitars." Hootenannies are a lot of fun.


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