Saturday, October 03, 2015

End of the day

The weatherman missed the boat again today. There was a 20% chance of rain, but it started around 10:30 a.m. and rained on and off all day. Some festival goers made a run for their cars. Others pulled out umbrellas and had fine in spite of the rain.

Even though it was messy, we saw a lot of people we hadn't seen in a long time.

Both Jilda and I were drenched to the bone. On the way home, I pulled over and snapped the picture below which seemed to sum up the weather.


  1. They were right 20% of the day.

  2. At least you got to make your own sunshine by enjoying people you haven't seen in a long time.

  3. It is good when folk can make do with what comes. I like the picture. Sorry you got soaked though, that part ain't no fun. TAke care and 'relapse'!

  4. You have made me think of Eddie Rabbit the last couple of days. I also love a rainy night.

  5. Anonymous12:14 AM

    The day was sunny for the people who stayed to hear you!!

  6. It was very wet in Ohio too and chilly ! They say we may see the sunshine today. It'll be a welcome sight.

  7. We had a beautiful day.

  8. It hasn't rained yet here. The sun is almost out.


  9. It sucks when the weatherman gets it wrong sometimes the best way to judge the weather is to walk outside and see what it is like


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