Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A simple meal

It felt like home here this evening. Jilda put spare ribs, potatoes, and sour kraut in the crockpot to slow cook all evening while she went to work. When I came home at 4 P.M., the house smelled like her mother's kitchen.

The dish is one her mom "threw together" from time to time along with a pone of cornbread.  I'm thankful Ruby taught Jilda how to make it.

Laying down my laptop bag, I stepped over to the crockpot and lifted the lit. A soft cloud rose, and I leaned my face almost into the crockpot to savor the aroma. I pulled a long spoon from the drawer and steered the concoction to ensure it wasn't sticking to the bottom. But Jilda had put it on slow-cook, so the ribs were tender, and they fell apart as I steered.

I turned the oven on 425, pulled a bowl from the pantry and tossed in the meal with a little flour, two eggs, a scoop of mayo and a few cups of buttermilk.  Soon after, I heard the oven beep saying it was at the right temp. I poured the mixture into a skillet greased with coconut oil and about 30 minutes later when Jilda walked in the door everything was ready.

A simple meal was just what my spirit needed today.

The picture below is one I shot yesterday afternoon just before our yoga class.


  1. Writer, musician, baker...what can't you do?

  2. You sound quite handy in the kitchen. You're a modern day Renaissance man.

  3. Sounds delicious!

  4. MMMMMMM sounds good. Never used mayo in cornbread, but will have to try it. I did chicken stir fry tonight. making do with what is available. I had to make a cutting board.

    I could almost smell the meal, I know you guys relaxed after that one. ;-)

  5. Gosh you do so much and it sounds like you and your wife have your own slice of heaven. That is so nice and your picture is so pretty...still grey and blah here.

  6. One of my favorite meals. I think I prefer corned beef though.

  7. Oh my you've had made me hungry with your description of that meal and I've just had my breakfast. It all sounds wonderful! The picture describes your feeling well.

  8. Anonymous10:56 AM

    How come you never invite me over?

  9. That sounds so delicious. I'm going to check Pinterest for a recipe. The pic is beautiful.

  10. Its nice to hear how couples work together like this. Yall are great!

  11. I love my slow cooker through things into it and wam bam food done

  12. My son and I had oven-fried chicken, broccoli, and french bread for supper. Heavenly. It's the company that makes it the greatest.



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