Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Two-picture post

Jilda had an early-morning class today and headed out before 6 a.m. Working on my column for this week, I managed to come up with an idea and knock it out before she returned.

The dogs met her at the door and were ready to walk. Jilda slipped on her walking shoes, I grabbed my spider stick, and we were off.

It was a warm and blustery morning because a cold front off to the west was heading eastward and the atmosphere was not happy.

More of the smaller shrubs and bushes are blooming, but the oak and hickory are wiser and they are holding off until closer to spring.

Standing near the porch of the old house, I pointed my phone straight up and shot a picture of the bare trees. The picture turned out better than I thought it would.

Jilda had an appointment to see her doctor just after lunch, and we headed out with trepidation because we hate leaving the critters when bad weather is moving in.

I sat in the waiting room and read Emily Dickinson poetry on my iPad. When she came out from seeing the doc, we headed toward the car through a sitting area at the clinic. Over to the right just off the path, the azaleas were blooming. I stepped over and snapped another picture. So tonight will be a two-picture post. 


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The picture of the trees is so dramatic!!

  2. I love both the pics. I love the stark image of the trees and the vibrant colors on the azaleas. We had some crazy storms move through and tomorrow the cold moves in with snow. March made it's lion entrance!

  3. I am surprised I thought I knew Azaleas. However the bush out front of our new house is an Azalea I was told by a man who know flora. We thought it was a Bougainvillea. I had rather spell Azalea! (I think) I enjoyed each picture and the post!

  4. Our trees are starting to bud. I'm sure the cold weather will come back and surprise them.

  5. Your two pictures couldn't be more different. Both show living plants but evoke totally different moods.

  6. I always love the elegance of naked trees but Stephen is right about the very different feelings evoked by today's images.

  7. Oh my Azalea blooms already! They don't usually show up here till close to May. However with this mild winter we're having who knows! March did come in like a lion here with thunder storms and lots of wind.

  8. Those mighty trees are full of hope and the Azaleas are so proud of their pretty blooms. They are a bit of a show off aren't they but rightly so.

    When I first read that Jilda slipped on her walking shoes, the first thing that came to mind was that the dogs had moved her shoes in hope to be taken for a walk and that she accidentally slipped on her shoes coming in the house as she was tired or something, until I reread the phrase. Silly me.

  9. The first picture is dramatic and loving stark contrast of that photo with the flower. It represents the 24 hr period-yesterday, sunny and warm and today a 20 degree drop and cold

  10. The trees look eerie but beautiful the same.

  11. ... what Stephen just said!
    Alpha and Omega, once more.


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