Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wild Honeysuckles

The hollow beside our house and barn are filled with wild honeysuckles. They are related to the azaleas if I'm not mistaken. The bushes closest to meditation rock down behind the barn bloom first. The morning sun warms rocks as big as Volkswagens, and the bushes closest to that warmth thrive.

We've tried a number of times to transplant the bushes from the hollow into our yard. A few years ago, we decided to give it one more try.

Apparently, we found the right place or perhaps we were holding our mouths right when we planted it, but this one lived.

Jilda saw the first blossom before I did and snapped a picture for her blog. I waited a few day and shot this picture yesterday.

Mother Nature knows her stuff.


  1. That is truly lovely. I suspect it isn't as invasive as honeysuckle either.
    Chuckling at you 'holding your mouths right' while you planted it. Some days it does seem like that.

  2. That 'don't' look like 'em NC 'honeysuckers.' LOL. But I do love the aroma. but at home you could get killed just tripping over 'em vines! But that is a beautiful picture, love the color.

  3. I had a honey suckle vine and a bush at the old house and always enjoyed the blooms every year, but your honeysuckle plant is very different from them. Just beautiful! Nice to see those signs of spring !

  4. Anonymous1:48 PM

    My brother & I used to suck on honeysuckles when we were kids, but I remember them as being blue!! Am I hallucinating (again)?

    1. There is a plant that is a honey suckle vine which is the one most people think of It's the ones with sweet nectar on the middle thingy. These are bushes that look like azaleas.
      They are usually white or pink.

  5. Evidently persistence pays off.

  6. Very nice like the pink so pretty


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