Friday, April 14, 2017

Angry Tool

The new weedeater is a beast. The past few years, I've worn out a hundred dollars worth of chainsaw blades cutting privets. I worked for hours clearing a few feet of those insidious bushes. By the time I finished cutting at the end of the day, the chainsaw was as dull as a butter knife, and I swear I could see the privets springing back up and growing before my eyes.

I kept saying I needed a weedeater with a saw blade. I've been saving my mad money that I earn with my newspaper columns and selling books. This past Wednesday I drove to the place where they sell the good tools. Not the consumer brand that's disposable after a few years, but the good ones that last.

I cranked it Wednesday and cut a few small bushes around the barn. The new weedeater made short work of it.

Today, before the temps reached into the 90s, I cut privets that sprang up next to our walking path. It barely grunts when cutting underbrush that's about an inch in diameter.  I tried it on some sweetgum trees by the path. A few of these were as big around as my forearm and the weedeater blade whacked them down easily.

Keeping privets under control just got a little easier.

Happy Good Friday.

I have my angry tool face on.


  1. Real tool= win against the bushes.

  2. That monster looks like just the thing you needed, very nice.

  3. Don't get careless with that baby! NOthing like having the right tool.

  4. You look like an angry Viking advancing on an unsuspecting village.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      I thought you looked like you were riding some sort of a Harley!!

  5. It's bigger than you are! And it looks hungry.

  6. The right tool for the job. I like the harness and a couple feet of steel between you and that dude's teeth. So go ahead and show Off!
    Things are more fun with a mean machine! One that is meaner than the enemy@!

  7. Oh my goodness! Thats a monster !
    I remember mom having sweetgum bushes. I know now why daddy didnt like them.

  8. It looks a scary beast. A scary efficient beast.
    We call sweetgum Liquid Amber. And I love them. They do sucker/seed with gay abandon though.

  9. Oh man, I wouldn't want to make you angry when you're holding that mean machine. It looks like you mean business...

    My husband has one with a longer handle and the teethes on the round blade are closer together and it also has a harness like yours. He also uses it to cut bushes.

    Thanks for showing us a photo.
    Happy Easter.
    Hugs, Julia

  10. Not something I know anything about

  11. Now that's a weed Whacker! You have to make sure you don't cut down flowers like my ex did one summer:)


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