Saturday, July 22, 2017

Remembering July in Telluride

I've been thinking about Telluride, Colorado this week. This afternoon while grilling veggies and Conecuh Sausages, the heat index was 100+.  Standing there as the aroma of eggplant, squash, and zucchini wafted over me, I realized the heat from the grill made it a little hotter.

I didn't have a picture for my blog tonight, so I was flipping back through photos of July's past. I stopped on pictures from July of 2010. Jilda and I spent the week of the Fourth of July in the mountains of Colorado.

My friend Wes and I went fly fishing. That was back when I was getting back into the sport, and I'd never had an opportunity to fish anywhere other than the river here at home. I loved that experience.

On the night of the 4th, we walked together to the city park to watch the fireworks show. As we stood there, it was chilly. I'd never been cold in July, except for the summer that I worked in the package store before starting the job with MaBell. I always volunteered to stock the coolers when the weather was hot outside...but I digress.

While standing there in Telluride waiting for the fireworks to start, snow began to fall. It only snowed briefly time, but it left a lasting impression on me. These days whenever the temps begin to rise in July, I remember the time Telluride when snowflakes fell on my face while watching fireworks on Fourth of July.


  1. Snowflakes on the fourth of July, that is a memory to smile about for sure.

  2. Did your memories cool you for a bit?

  3. Telluride is magical!

  4. Precious memory. And probably parallels mine pn this side of the world of losing tomato plants to snow - in the first week of December.

  5. Nothing much better in this world than sharing a hobby (or skill) with a good friend. ;-)

  6. If its snows in July, the when is it warm? Wow.
    Great photo! You two look like brothers.

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles; snow on the 4th of July!!

  8. Snow on the Fourth of July? Amazing.

  9. Our summer has been warmer this year than the past few. It's been humid too so I appreciate the talk of snow in July! Yesterday in surgery our patient was visiting from Alaska and got appendicitis. She said it was 45de when she left her home on July 1st. I'm sure she warmed up nicely here! Have a good week!

  10. Sounds like a good memory

  11. That is definitely a great memory for a hot day.


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