Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Hydrangea bouquets

The wild hydrangeas are beginning to bloom. Anyone who's never seen one, here's a picture I shot several years ago. They line the sides of the canopied road to the barn. They are delicate and have an earthy smell.

They bloom for weeks and Jilda picks hydrangea bouquets for the table and our bathroom vanities. It looks all Martha Stewart'ish and what not.

I love this time of year because it seems each day when you step out, the show changes. One day it's the azaleas, blueberries, and Confederate Jasmine, then the next day it's the irises, roses, and hydrangeas.

Some people ask us why we live miles from the nearest grocery store. When I tell them it's the hydrangea bouquets, I don't think they get it.


  1. Anyone who doesn't get it has no heart and soul. The daily changes in the natural world are heart balm at its best.

  2. You do live in a beautiful place. It's worth the drive to where you need to go just to have such beauty all around you. That picture is lovely. I never knew hydrangeas grew wild.

  3. I get it. Ever since I moved to the big city I was wishing I was back home. It took almost 50 years to make it back here. And so many wonder why. All I can tell them is that I am home.


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