Sunday, March 03, 2019

Bolting collards

We planted collards in our homemade planters in the fall and we've had several meals of their tender leaves. Caring for them is easy. Just make sure they have water and a little food every few weeks.

Earlier this week when the sun was out, I looked over and saw they were blooming. Soon they'll bolt (put on seeds). These are heirloom plants. The parents of these seeds are older than most of our nieces and nephews.

Last week I planted milkweed, chives, and lavender in our grow-light container. The chives did well. The milkweed not so good. But the lavender showed out. Almost every peat pot had multiple shoots that sprouted.

We plant to plant milkweed for the monarch butterflies, the lavender for our bees, and the chives are for us.

I guess you can tell from this post that it's been a slow news day today.


  1. Maybe the day was slow for news but this was interesting.

  2. I just gotta try to develop a green thumb. My mama and two sisters and one brother could about grow rocks. I seem to kill everything I try to grow. Mama always chided me, "You love 'em to death son!" (over water over fertilize, etc.)
    I do love collards!

  3. I'd never heard the term "bolt" before in reference to plants...interesting. I've never had luck with lavender but I made the mistake of planting chives in our front garden and they do spread! But I love their purple flowers and I do use the chives in my cooking. So all's good!

  4. The cabbage is cute. I only have loofah growing in a window seal for now. They are begging to get outside in the ground but not until it warms up.

  5. You can't go wrong when you write the word "collard greens". MMMM

  6. We have lavender and the smell is so nice. We bought milkweed as well but the aphids went nuts. We tried a number of things to get rid of them but nothing worked


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