Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jimmy shucked corn

Jimmy shuck corn, but I don't care.....

Or was it

Jimmy Cracked corn...

I don't care either way.

But, we had corn on the cob today as one of the sides for our belated Easter dinner with Jilda's family.

As I was shucking the corn before our guests got here, I remembered the old folk ditty that my great grandmother sang to me before I started to school. I smiled and thought of the gag above.

When everyone arrived, the kids scattered like BBs on a marble floor.

The yard was full of bubble-blowing kids playing games I'd never hear of.

I was so busy entertaining that I shot very few pictures which is unlike me.

I'm glad I shot a picture of the corn and thought of the corny folk song.


  1. I love it, fun with friends is the main EVENT. But I do love corn on the cob! One of my favorites in food. Hope the day was great.
    Sherry & jack

  2. Mmm corn on the corb.
    Glad you had a good day.

  3. Dang, we won't get corn for at least another month! And 2 months for Jersey corn.

  4. Thank you ...I will be singing that song all day now.

  5. I'm glad you had a great gathering. I love fresh corn on the cob but it will be a while before we get local corn. I made corn chowder on Saturday using canned corn and a bit of leftover ham and it was very yummy.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Julia

  6. That corn sure looks good. Good enough to eat!

  7. I like corn on the cob, but I rarely eat it. I do eat, however, almost daily!! a cup of popcorn and a polenta made of a 100g corn flour ,with fish, for dietary reasons - it's low calorie tasty food.

  8. Oh that corn looks tasty. A family meal with corn on the cob brings back so many memories from my childhood.

  9. I love fresh corn, but I have a friend who is addicted....when the truck makes it's appearance in our neighborhood she buys continually until he's sold out. Makes me hungry, viewing that photo!


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