Sunday, April 21, 2019


The sky was remarkable today. Last night was chilly, but once the sun cleared the trees things warmed up fast. 

When I walked down first thing this morning to check on the bees, they were moving slow. A few hours later when the temps rose, I went back for another look. All four hives were in a frenzy. Bees flying off in every direction. 

In years past, I kept all the property mowed. This year, I'm creating meadows by leaving swaths of clover and yarrow. After things stop blooming, I'll probably have to mow the grass with the big tractor, but the bees will appreciate the nectar. 

When we walked today, Jilda suggested we go and look at her brother's roses. His place is perfect because several years ago, he cut most of the trees on his property and his yard gets full sun for most of the day. Apparently, roses like that. 

We could smell the aroma before we got to the bushes. I'm a bit envious but I wouldn't give up our trees to have better roses so I'll have to be content to envy his.


  1. In my eyes a rose without a scent is a tragedy and a travesty. You are right though, they do demand full sun. Glad you have some nearby to enjoy.
    Yay the bees too.

  2. NICE, just nice! Also love that rose!
    Sherry & jack

  3. It was an exciting day.

  4. I love it all, trees, shade and sun. That rose looks beautiful. I cn only imagine the scent.
    Happy Easter.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. We lost our big shade tree a few years ago and I would love to have it back over roses!

  6. When I see roses I think of my great-aunt she grew beautiful roses


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