Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fun with kids

We had fun with "the kid" today. Jilda and I had appointments in town and our great nephew Jordan went with us.

I won't step Jilda's entry tonight, but while she was seeing the acupuncture doc, Jordan and I hit Starbucks where I got a coffee and a New York Times. Jordan is not into coffee yet so he opted for some apple juice and a cake pop treat.

We sat outside and watched traffic while we waited to go fetch Jilda.

We decided to do a selfie to taunt Jordan's mom who was working. It used to be her that went with us to the mall and to eat.  We tried to do a straight face, but we failed miserably.

When we sent the selfie below, she responded with a frowny face. Jordan and I howled.


  1. 'at ain't nice! LOL but fun! Love it!
    Sherry & jack

  2. Jordan is becoming such a handsome young man! Sounds like a fun day on the town.

  3. Jordan + Starbucks = good times!

  4. Dear Rick, in this case, a photo is worth a thousand words--the look on Jordan's face just beams out joy to all of us. Peace.


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