Sunday, August 11, 2019

Flowers and grass

There were a few things I needed to do in the chicken pen before calling it a wrap. They needed a roost and laying boxes. Before long, they will be leaving us gifts each day. 

There are only so many eggs two people can eat. We expect to get about a dozen a day. Soon we'll supply our extended family and our friends. 

Jilda's sister gives eggs to the Jimmie Hale Mission which is a home for homeless men. Once our hens get to crankin' we'll add some eggs to her donation. 

It was brutally hot today. I waited until the pen was in the shade before going down there to work. I took it in 30-minute blocks. I'd work until I felt like a wet sponge and then I'd go inside and cool off. It took about three trips down there before I finished.

We have a chair down next to the pen and I sat for a moment admiring my work. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see what looked like dozens of butterflies on our wildflower meadow beyond the backyard fence.

I've taken and posted a bunch of butterfly pictures, but I decided to use one of the flowers and the grass.


  1. The butterflies were your reward for a job well done.

  2. You were busy but since butterflies represent joy in life, this just seems apt.

  3. The Empire Hilton Hen House is ready to welcome all guests. The accommodation is secure, ample food and water is supplied and you won't find classier accommodation in the whole state...

  4. I like eggs go through a dozen a week or fortnight
    Butterflies are so pretty as are flowers

  5. Beautiful photo, Rick.


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