Sunday, September 29, 2019

Clouds at sunset

We've had almost a hundred days of temperatures in the 90s. We could go to our raised beds and toss in a little olive oil and have fried green tomatoes on the vine...OK, that's a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea.

The one thing I cannot complain about is the autumn skies. They have been remarkable.

Yesterday at the 4-H chicken show during a pause in the action, I looked into the sky. The sun was sinking low into the western horizon. Before it made its final exit, I cast an amazing light on the clouds overhead.

I had my SLR camera with me, but I shot this picture with my phone.

When I scrolled back through the images, this one made me smile.


  1. You caught a great picture. The clouds are unusual.

  2. This is fun picture since I see a huge goldfish. Thank Goodness we had no 90 degrees the past couple of days

  3. I hope I am never, ever too jaded to cloud watch. I can see a small dog approaching the larger cloud...

  4. About a week ago, we had two or three days that were only in the 80s. It felt so good.


  5. I love the Autumn skies! Cool photo.

  6. It was cold this morning. My husband had to light the wood stove. I love the wood heat. Alberta big snow storm brought nearly a meter of snow. A meter is 39.370079 inches. That's a huge amount of snow so early in Autumn.
    Good cloud capture.
    Hugs, Julia

  7. I love sky gazing, that shot is a good one.
    NOTE: Sherry has her little heater on here in the coach, of course the mountains are cooler. LOL
    Sherry & jack

  8. Great shot Rick. I always love sky shots, sunrises ,and sunsets. Hope the 4-H chicken show went well. I like seeing the different kinds of chickens. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. I agree, Autumn skies are beautiful. Pictures don't do them justice.

  10. Sounds nice here it is cold and wet


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