Saturday, November 09, 2019

Late night

We had a gig tonight. Most of our gigs are an hour to 90 minutes, but our friends who were supposed to play with us came down with the crud that's going around.

We asked another friend who plays harmonica to join us. It was an impromptu show and we didn't songs we hadn't planned to do but I think we did well.

We just got home and my bones are weary and my chording fingers are aching but it's a good ache.


  1. You made good memories.

  2. I hope your friends get over the crud, and that your aches subside.

  3. Glad Jilda got over her crude and could enjoy it all. Sometimes impromtu is best.

  4. Fun is fun, but at times it can hurt. Good you guys can roll with the punches and fill the holes where needed.
    We like the picture!

    Sherry & jack

  5. The ability to make music is one best used often! Glad you had fun.

  6. The show must go on. At least the harmonica player helped.

  7. So glad you can enjoy playing music which always makes one forget ones troubles


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