Saturday, December 28, 2019


Jilda and I both enjoyed "downtime" today. It's something that's rare but essential. When nothing is scheduled. 

I read. Watched Joyce Carol Oats talk about her approach to writing. I took the dogs for a walk and later watched honeybees clean the wax I'd saved from summer when I harvested honey. 

Laying cookie sheets on the deck, I spread clumps of brown sticky honey wax that were the size of tennis balls. 

With a knife, I'd step out there every few hours and cut the balls in half...then in quarters....and so on. By this evening most of the wax was the color of piano keys (not the black ones.)

This evening, I started making notes in my journal. As you probably know, my first resolutions were written with a kindergarten pencil. Just kidding. But, I have done them for years.

I found a website where you can input a list of words that are important to you and the software will jumble those words into a kind of poster.  Things to think about during the new year. 

I hope your day has been as uneventful as mine.




  1. Uneventful sounds good to me. Your uneventful also sounds productive. Win/win.

    1. We got your card today. It was beautiful. Thank you. I love the bookmark.

  2. I even like downtime from downtime.

  3. Love uneventful. Doesn't happen often but is very much aporeciated.

  4. I love the word jumble! Is there an app for that?

    1. Just go to this website and it will do it for you.

  5. At our age here, uneventful is wonderful! Hey, I like the poster thing. Good on you. Y'all rest and take care. 2020 can't seem to wait!
    Sherry & jack

  6. I love those days while they're happening, but sometimes by the evening I wonder what I should have accomplished.....

  7. Let's hear it for uneventful, no-guilt days!
    I, too, am intrigued by that word art. Thanks for the link.

  8. Soothing days like that are regenerating to the soul. It's good to do it every now and then.

  9. On one hand most of my days are uneventful but on the other hand it often doesn't feel that way


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